Exception Processing ErrorPage[errorCode=404,location=*.jsp]
java.net.SocketException: Connection reset by peer: socket write error
java.net.SocketException: Connection reset by peer: socket write error
复制内容到剪贴板 程序代码
修改server.xml文件,在Host 里面的加入以下的代码:
<Context path="" docBase="C:\wwwroot\" workDir="C:\wwwroot\" />
其中path是为"", 不是"/" , docBase就是你放置网页的目录, workDir也是你放置网页的目录,并且这个参数必不可少,我在添加代码的时候没有添加这个参数,搞得不能运行.那么整体的代码如下:
修改server.xml文件,在Host 里面的加入以下的代码:
<Context path="" docBase="C:\wwwroot\" workDir="C:\wwwroot\" />
其中path是为"", 不是"/" , docBase就是你放置网页的目录, workDir也是你放置网页的目录,并且这个参数必不可少,我在添加代码的时候没有添加这个参数,搞得不能运行.那么整体的代码如下:
本文的修改针对的是resin3.0和apache2.2;windows xp(本机)和redhat AS4(具有特定配置的修改)。具体的配置方法如下:
本次配置中使用了FCKeditor2.6和FCKeditor.java 2.3。可以在http://www.fckeditor.net/download下载得到。
本文的修改针对的是resin3.0和apache2.2;windows xp(本机)和redhat AS4(具有特定配置的修改)。具体的配置方法如下:
本次配置中使用了FCKeditor2.6和FCKeditor.java 2.3。可以在http://www.fckeditor.net/download下载得到。
《每一个WEB应用程序,都应该有两个过滤器》by Jayson Falkner
Almost every single web application you will ever make will seriously benefit from using servlet filters to both cache and compress content. A caching filter optimizes the time it takes to send back a response from your web server, and a compression filter optimizes the size of the content that you send from your web server to a user via the Internet. Since generating content and sending content over the World Wide Web are the bread and butter of web applications, it should be no surprise that simple components that aid in these processes are incredibly useful. This article details the process of building and using a caching filter and a compression filter that are suitable for use with just about any web application. After reading this article, you will understand caching and compressing, have code to do both, and be able to apply caching and compression to any of your future (or existing!) web applications.
Review: Servlet Filters in 10 Sentences
Servlet filters are powerful tools that are available to web application developers using the Servlet 2.3 specification or above. Filters are designed to be able to manipulate a request or response (or both) that is sent to a web application, yet provide this functionality in a method that won't affect servlets and JSPs being used by the web application unless that is the desired effect. A good way to think of servlet filters is as a chain of steps that a request and response must go through before reaching a servlet, JSP, or static resource such as an HTML page in a web application. Figure 1 shows the commonly used illustration of this concept.
Almost every single web application you will ever make will seriously benefit from using servlet filters to both cache and compress content. A caching filter optimizes the time it takes to send back a response from your web server, and a compression filter optimizes the size of the content that you send from your web server to a user via the Internet. Since generating content and sending content over the World Wide Web are the bread and butter of web applications, it should be no surprise that simple components that aid in these processes are incredibly useful. This article details the process of building and using a caching filter and a compression filter that are suitable for use with just about any web application. After reading this article, you will understand caching and compressing, have code to do both, and be able to apply caching and compression to any of your future (or existing!) web applications.
Review: Servlet Filters in 10 Sentences
Servlet filters are powerful tools that are available to web application developers using the Servlet 2.3 specification or above. Filters are designed to be able to manipulate a request or response (or both) that is sent to a web application, yet provide this functionality in a method that won't affect servlets and JSPs being used by the web application unless that is the desired effect. A good way to think of servlet filters is as a chain of steps that a request and response must go through before reaching a servlet, JSP, or static resource such as an HTML page in a web application. Figure 1 shows the commonly used illustration of this concept.
复制内容到剪贴板 程序代码
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Date;