org.hibernate.QueryException could not resolve property userid of
javax.naming.NameNotFoundException Name hibernate_connection_factory is not bound in this Context
javax.naming.NameNotFoundException Name hibernate_connection_factory is not bound in this Context
Tags: Exception
复制内容到剪贴板 程序代码
public String countChoose(String name, String cid, String state) { //选择算法
int lable = 0; //跟踪标记
String sqladd = ""; //动态生成的sql部分语句
String sql = "";
if (!name.equals("")) {
sqladd = "'" + name + "'";//这里也需要注意,单引号
int lable = 0; //跟踪标记
String sqladd = ""; //动态生成的sql部分语句
String sql = "";
if (!name.equals("")) {
sqladd = "'" + name + "'";//这里也需要注意,单引号
复制内容到剪贴板 程序代码
public List getPtsByCateID(CategoryVO cate)
Transaction tx = null;
List list =null;
Session session = HibernateUtil.getSession();
try {
tx = session.beginTransaction();
list =session.find("from ProductVO as p where p.cate="+cate.getId()+"");
Transaction tx = null;
List list =null;
Session session = HibernateUtil.getSession();
try {
tx = session.beginTransaction();
list =session.find("from ProductVO as p where p.cate="+cate.getId()+"");
exception setting property value with CGLIB (set hibernate.cglib.use_reflection_optimizer=false for more info) setter of...
原因:查询结果中包含null的项 对于一些数字项包含null,定义该项时必须使用wrapper类型,而不能是primitive类型,例如使用Integer等,而不能是int否则会抛出exception!
解决:映射为int,double的字段,在建表时,某些int或者double字段的default 0,导致exception setting property value with CGLIB setter 这些字段出错.这些字段最后都有默认值.设置好默认值问题就可以解决了。
exception setting property value with CGLIB (set hibernate.cglib.use_reflection_optimizer=false for more info) setter of...
原因:查询结果中包含null的项 对于一些数字项包含null,定义该项时必须使用wrapper类型,而不能是primitive类型,例如使用Integer等,而不能是int否则会抛出exception!
解决:映射为int,double的字段,在建表时,某些int或者double字段的default 0,导致exception setting property value with CGLIB setter 这些字段出错.这些字段最后都有默认值.设置好默认值问题就可以解决了。
ObjectNotFoundException: No row with the given identifier exists
Where it can occur:
This might occur if you try to load a non-proxied object with session.load() or you load a proxied object and later access the proxy. It may also occur when loading mapped collections which are not eagerly fetched.
What it means:
This means just what it says - Hibernate expected to have a row with a certain id in the database, and did however not find it.
How it can be caused:
ObjectNotFoundException: No row with the given identifier exists
Where it can occur:
This might occur if you try to load a non-proxied object with session.load() or you load a proxied object and later access the proxy. It may also occur when loading mapped collections which are not eagerly fetched.
What it means:
This means just what it says - Hibernate expected to have a row with a certain id in the database, and did however not find it.
How it can be caused: